Akhand Bharat and RSS | Mike Ghouse for India
The idea of Akhand Bharat can be understood in cultural terms, indeed, the entire subcontinent is culturally bonded. However, it means different to the Hindutva ideologues than they explain. The conflict props up in intense conversations, and this article is a fine example of such duality.
I distinctly remember the sigh of relief when Vajpayee visited Minar e Pakistan, much was written about it, to the Pakistanis it was an acknowledgement of the sovereign nation of Pakistan and a good sign of relief from the frightening idea of Akhand Bharat; which meant ambitious taking over of Pakistan and Hinduizing it. That was the time, the concept should have been clarified, that it was not, but the hidden agenda prevented the RSS from expressing it.
The present inclusive sounding rhetoric from the RSS should always be welcomed. However the rhetoric remains empty if it is not matched by actions - like condemning the idea of coercive Ghar Wapsi. Instead they can set up missions and lure people with money, jobs, clothes, dignity and equality, can they offer that? It also means believing and practicing equal rights in housing, education, employment etc, is RSS willing to do that?
Hindu majority believes and practices Pluralism, as is the case with Muslim, Christian or other majorities, they respect the otherness of others, and have no problem with what others eat, drink, wear or believe, but do the RSS ideologues believe in that genuine Hindu ethos of Pluralism?
The idea of Akhand Bharat can be understood in cultural terms, indeed, the entire subcontinent is culturally bonded. However, it means different to the Hindutva ideologues than they explain. The conflict props up in intense conversations, and this article is a fine example of such duality.
I distinctly remember the sigh of relief when Vajpayee visited Minar e Pakistan, much was written about it, to the Pakistanis it was an acknowledgement of the sovereign nation of Pakistan and a good sign of relief from the frightening idea of Akhand Bharat; which meant ambitious taking over of Pakistan and Hinduizing it. That was the time, the concept should have been clarified, that it was not, but the hidden agenda prevented the RSS from expressing it.
The present inclusive sounding rhetoric from the RSS should always be welcomed. However the rhetoric remains empty if it is not matched by actions - like condemning the idea of coercive Ghar Wapsi. Instead they can set up missions and lure people with money, jobs, clothes, dignity and equality, can they offer that? It also means believing and practicing equal rights in housing, education, employment etc, is RSS willing to do that?
Hindu majority believes and practices Pluralism, as is the case with Muslim, Christian or other majorities, they respect the otherness of others, and have no problem with what others eat, drink, wear or believe, but do the RSS ideologues believe in that genuine Hindu ethos of Pluralism?
the way, RSS members or that mindset in not pervasive, they are a large
organization, but their ideals of divisiveness are not bought by the entire
community of Hindus. Indeed, its ideology is
anathema to the Hindu majority or any majority anywhere in the world, and
the Sangh Parivar is matched by the family of Islamists (Taliban, ISIS, LeT,
Shabab, Boko Haram and their likes). Of course the Parivar guys are not as
violent as the blood thirsty Islamist guys, which is a blessing and for India
and the Indians.
Until RSS becomes inclusive and their talks and acts starts welding together, and the ideals of live and let live becomes the norm, the idea of Akhand Bharat is as bad as the Islamist idea of Islamic nation. Neither will ever happen, as the ideas are not inclusive.
Until RSS becomes inclusive and their talks and acts starts welding together, and the ideals of live and let live becomes the norm, the idea of Akhand Bharat is as bad as the Islamist idea of Islamic nation. Neither will ever happen, as the ideas are not inclusive.
Indeed the overwhelming majority of Hindus,
Muslims, Christians and others are fine people, and we need to work on getting
more people stay in the moderate circles for a stable India.
Mike Ghouse
A self-goal by the RSS
The Akhand Bharat controversy exposes the Sangh’s ideological dogmas and difficulties. Written by Sudheendra Kulkarni
Published:Jan 6, 2016, 1:01 - Courtesy of Indian Express - http://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/a-self-goal-by-the-rss/

Two things are taboo in the RSS and
the BJP. The RSS never admits there’s
anything flawed or outdated in its ideology. The BJP, which has allowed itself
to be ideologically captured and organisationally controlled by the RSS, never
publicly challenges the parent organisation’s core beliefs. However, reality
does not respect any organisation’s imagined infallibility. Those who have tried
to dictate the world to follow their own dogma have fallen by the wayside.
History accommodates, even applauds, those who change with the times. But
changing with the times demands honest self-criticism in the public realm. This
spirit is in short supply in the RSS and BJP.
The RSS has always claimed that “Hindu
Rashtra” and “Akhand Bharat” (the two are inter-related) are its core beliefs,
which will not change even if the organisation changes some of its external
features. However, at the very first brush with the recently changed reality in
the India-Pakistan engagement, following Prime Minister Narendra
Modi’s bold visit to Lahore, one of its ideological pillars, Akhand Bharat,
has developed embarrassingly huge cracks. These cracks are vainly sought to be
covered up with weak explanations and confounding clarifications.
Look how hurriedly the BJP, through its
spokesman M.J. Akbar, officially distanced itself from the “Akhand Bharat”
remarks of its own national general secretary, Ram Madhav, made in the course of
his interview with Al Jazeera. Akbar is capable of penning an entire book to
demolish the RSS’s view of “Akhand Bharat”. However, he didn’t even vaguely
criticise it. Madhav, a well-known RSS pracharak himself, has tried to wriggle
out of the self-created controversy by writing a clarificatory article in this
newspaper (‘A people’s idea’, December 29).
Madhav’s self-defence is ineffective.
Take, for example, his claim: “Let me reiterate that the Akhand Bharat doctrine
is a cultural and people-centric idea. I was not even remotely suggesting that
we should redraw the boundaries of our countries.” Now, watch his interview. He
was indeed suggesting a redrawing of the boundaries of India, Pakistan and
Bangladesh. He asked his interviewer, Mehdi Hasan, “If two Germanys can come
together, if two Vietnams can come together, what makes you think that India and
Pakistan cannot come together?” Madhav surely knows West and East Germany, as
also South and North Vietnam, redrew their boundaries when they reunified. Their
reunification was a political process, in which the two divided parts lost their
sovereignty and separate identities when they became “Akhand Germany” and
“Akhand Vietnam”. By using this analogy, Madhav was clearly hinting that Akhand
Bharat, in the RSS’s conception, means the political reunion of India, Pakistan
and Bangladesh.
This is what the RSS has always stated:
That the Partition of India in 1947 was wrong and unacceptable, and that this
wrong would somehow be corrected in future. Madhav candidly describes this as
“the generational vision of the RSS”. He even shows his hurt feelings by
indirectly questioning his critics within the RSS why his remarks on Akhand
Bharat “became an issue” now, when the same thing was “stated and restated
several times before by several people in the Parivar”.
To his credit, Madhav made many good
points in the interview by giving a more inclusive and tolerant interpretation
to the policies and actions of the Modi government. He’s also right in stating
that the coming together of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh would not be “through
armies or aggression, but through popular goodwill”. Indeed, all should welcome
“a people’s reunion at the cultural and societal level” in our subcontinent,
which has suffered immensely on account of the artificial walls of separation
erected by our governments.
But will Madhav admit that his praiseworthy
statement strikes a blow at the other foundational pillar of RSS ideology —
Hindu rashtra? Both before and after Partition, the RSS insisted that Bharat,
“Akhand” or “Khandit”, is a Hindu nation. Madhav and other RSS-BJP leaders
should explain how they can ever create goodwill among the Muslims of Pakistan
and Bangladesh — not to speak of the Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and Buddhists in
India — by propagating that today’s Bharat is, and tomorrow’s Akhand Bharat
(even in a confederal form, without redrawing boundaries) will be, a Hindu
When confronted with this argument, RSS
leaders predictably claim its critics don’t understand the real meaning of the
word “Hindu”, and that it’s a cultural, and not a religious, concept. They are
free to delude themselves. But this, too, is unacceptable to non-Hindus and also
to a majority of Hindus. Besides, to equate Indian culture with Hindu culture is
to disrespect Article 51 A of the Constitution, which requires us to “value and
preserve our composite culture”.
Here’s the supreme paradox: Most RSS-BJP
supporters themselves understand “Hindu” only in its religious connotation. Many
of them reject the call for Akhand Bharat by saying, often in bigoted ways, that
the coming together of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh would reduce the
proportion of the Hindu population and increase that of Muslims.
If the RSS genuinely desired the com-ing
together of the peoples of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, it had better discard
both the Akhand Bharat and Hindu rashtra shibboleths.
The writer was
an aide to former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpaye.
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Dr. Mike Ghouse is a community consultant, social scientist, thinker, writer, news maker and a speaker on Pluralism, Interfaith, Islam,politics, Terrorism, human rights, India, Israel-Palestine, foreign policy and buildingcohesive societies. Mike offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day. More about him in 63 links at www.MikeGhouse.net and his writings are at TheGhousediary.com or Just Google Mike Ghouse with the name of any Religion.
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