I was one of the few moderate voices who believed Modi was redeemable, and I thought his good talk must be encouraged. I wrote several good pieces about him but that was all in vain.
In the last three months, we have found out that he cannot help with what he is trained to believe - everyone including his admirers like Tavleen Singh and Madhu Kishwar have given up on him.
He had told Bajrangi Babu during Gujarat Massacre to go ahead to finish it (slaughter Muslims) in three days, then the military would come and his hands would be tied after that. This Babu proudly tells that he pulled a baby out of a pregnant woman's womb and chopped him up with this sword; Modi protected him by transferring three judges who were handing his case. It appears that he has a hidden agenda, which probably says, go ahead and finish it in three years, let freedom go to hell.
Is he still redeemable? Will he speak up against evil acts of his partymen? He has not spoken against the murder of Kalburghi, Akhlaq, burning of two Dalit children and much more.
It was embarrassing to see these signs in London, but that is the reality we have to face. If Modi had the balls, he would have spoken up and stopped so much mayhem... but it appears that is what he wants.
Is he redeemable? Any one wants to bet on it?
Mike Ghouse
Modi Faces Massive Protest In UK
The agitation was orgnaised by South Asia Solidarity Group. A press note from the group said they protestested against,
In the last three months, we have found out that he cannot help with what he is trained to believe - everyone including his admirers like Tavleen Singh and Madhu Kishwar have given up on him.
He had told Bajrangi Babu during Gujarat Massacre to go ahead to finish it (slaughter Muslims) in three days, then the military would come and his hands would be tied after that. This Babu proudly tells that he pulled a baby out of a pregnant woman's womb and chopped him up with this sword; Modi protected him by transferring three judges who were handing his case. It appears that he has a hidden agenda, which probably says, go ahead and finish it in three years, let freedom go to hell.
Is he still redeemable? Will he speak up against evil acts of his partymen? He has not spoken against the murder of Kalburghi, Akhlaq, burning of two Dalit children and much more.
It was embarrassing to see these signs in London, but that is the reality we have to face. If Modi had the balls, he would have spoken up and stopped so much mayhem... but it appears that is what he wants.
Is he redeemable? Any one wants to bet on it?
Mike Ghouse
Modi Faces Massive Protest In UK
By Countercurrents.org
13 November, 2015
Hundreds of protesters staged a demonstration outside Downing Street, Londong against Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to the UK.
Former MP George Gallaway who was among the protesters said David Cameron is honouring "the killer Modi, who comes the very organisation that murdered Mahatma Gandhi." " Modi is murdering the India of Mahatma Gandhi, an India we can believe in. He is dripping in blood" said Galloway.

The agitation was orgnaised by South Asia Solidarity Group. A press note from the group said they protestested against,
Modi’s systematic human rights abuses and promotion of a fascistic politics of hatred in India, as demonstrated by the wave of attacks on Muslims, Christians, and on Dalits which have been orchestrated by Hindu right groups and co-ordinated by the RSS - an organisation modelled on the Nazi and Italian fascist parties - to which Modi owes allegiance. The protests were also against the tide of murders of rationalists and other dissenters, which underline the alarming shift towards fascism in India.The London protestors stand in solidarity with the very large number of writers, artists, filmmakers, scholars and scientists who have recently returned prestigious government awards in protest at this violence. We also stand in solidarity with the people of Bihar, one of India’s most populous states, which in recent state-level elections have decisively rejected Modi and his party’s politics of hate.We also cannot forget those who were murdered in the pre-planned genocidal violence against Muslims in Gujarat in 2002 when Modi was Chief Minister, who include three British citizens. We also condemn the hypocrisy of David Cameron who claims to be committed to combating gender violence internationally but is hosting Modi who presided over brutal mass rapes and mutilations of women in Gujarat in 2002.The protest was also against Modi’s economic policies in which labour laws are being swept aside, trade unions crushed, campaigning NGOs banned, and foreign and Indian corporates given a free hand to plunder and destroy the environment and indulge in massive human rights abuses. Modi’s latest announcement of further concessions on FDI is another example of his unprincipled selling off of India’s resources at the lowest possible price. It also smacks of desperation – Modi is now being criticized by corporate commentators such as Moody’s and Infosys who fear the tide of violence will be bad for the economy; he is even under attack from his own party’s senior leaders for his rabid bigoted election speeches during the Bihar elections.In this context we also condemn the role of David Cameron in shamelessly promoting the interests of British corporates – the new East India Companies being welcomed by Modi – whatever the cost to the Indian people. For example planned deals on military aviation will facilitate state terror against India’s own people in regions such as Chhattisgarh, Manipur and Kashmir.The protest exposes the hypocrisy of Narendra Modi in garlanding the statue of Gandhi in Parliament Square when not only was Gandhi’s assassin Nathuram Godse affiliated to Modi’s RSS, but currently in India MPs of his own party such as Sakshi Maharaj have called for a temple to be built in the name of Gandhi’s murderer! It is also the height of hypocrisy to claim to honour Gandhi while continuously violating his values of tolerance and religious harmony.More information: southasiasolidaritygroup@gmail.com
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