Sunday, July 8, 2018

Nupur Sharma on Kashmir

Nupur, I'm glad you are making an effort to bring sense to this issue. It's not easy to be fair and just, but you've demonstrated it in this video.
The point you've made about seeing the humanity in each one is the point missing in the equation for the last 70 years.
To feel sad for the death of kids who got run over by the truck or to feel sad if the driver was lynched, and Gandhi’s example of burning the policemen are worth pondering and adopting as solutions to the conflict.
There was a week I stood up for Jews from the harassment by Pastor Phelps, the very next week I stood up against Israeli bombing of Gaza. Both situations were about standing up for human rights, and not the politics of taking sides.
Your thoughts and voice need amplification, so more people can see the issue as a human rights issue. Kashmiris of all hues, Muslims, pundits and all people must be a party to a just solution.
Deep down, all parties to the conflict are looking for a genuine, just and fair voice, and God has blessed you with that, and I stand with you in exploring solutions in building a cohesive Kashmir where no Kashmiri has to live in apprehension or fear of the other.
17 years ago, Varadarajan and I were speaking on a panel on Kashmir in Boulder at the University of Colorado. He has the same sense of justice and fairness as you do.
God bless you, Amen Here is the video)

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