Saturday, March 3, 2018

Have Muslims Stood up for the Oppressed?

Have Muslims Stood up for the Oppressed?
If we don’t stand up for others, why should anyone stand up for us?

Muslims have to decide, believe and practice what Prophet Muhammad said, think for your brother what you want for yourselves? Was Prophet Muhammad’s scope of wisdom limited to a group of people or his kindness was for all humans beings?

I am proud of the pluralistic heritage of India. Over the last thousand years, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, and Jews have done everything to be a part of each other and yet have retained their identities. The society has developed a broad common culture to the shameful exclusion of Dalits and Adivasis, who are considered inferior humans; it is repulsive to think that such attitudes exist even now.

What did Muslims do? While I have many great examples to share, but most Muslims treated the Dalits in the same manner, as the ones they accuse of mistreating; the upper caste Hindus. 

A lot of work is done to correct thousands of years of DNA’d attitudes of the caste system; this disgusting practice needs to go. We are talking about human dignity and respect the God-given uniqueness of each one of us. Thanks to Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Ambedkar and thousands of Indians for taking up the issue to correct the wrongs of yesteryears.  My father was bold enough to break the norms and invited the Dalits in our home to share tea or a meal with us, and eating from the same utensils that we used. On my part, I fought vigorously at the street corner water taps to give equal access to the Dalits. Many of you have done that.

Who does not want to be treated equal and included? Equal treatment of fellow humans was one of the reasons why many Dalits converted to Islam. But joining Islam did not give them the good they were looking for, they are still outcast Muslims, and Muslims in India have their own version of prejudice, Pakistan has its own version and other nations have their own versions.  A few consider themselves superior to the others – Ashraf, Syed’s and from the family of the Prophet.

How is one superior to the other? Do these Muslims know that even if you were the daughter of the Prophet, you don’t have any advantages over others unless you personally earn your place through good deeds – that is serving others without any return? 

I hope and pray that Muslims get rid of their prejudices, treat all humans as equal (Prophet’s statement) and stand up for the rights of others. If you are an authentic Amin, you’ll earn the respect of fellow humans for the common good.

Elections are coming up, Muslims need to seriously talk with the individual legislators to consider representing all Indians and shelve narrow interests. They should represent all or none and not be sold to any interest groups.  Together Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, and Dalits can be relevant in restoring India to be a great nation again.   It is time for Muslims to make up for their short-comings of the past, and become a just people and stand up for the rights of others and when we do that, more and more people will come around and we can build an India that is good for all.

The following inspirational video is worth watching

What about Owaisi and MIM Party;

You may have your own opinion, but Owaisi is as divisive as some of the other parties. We don't necessarily need Muslims to represent Muslims, what we need is our elected officials to represent every Indian. Muslims and Dalits need to reach out to the individual candidates regardless of what party they belong to.  The extremists won't listen, but the majority wants justice and fairness, even among BJP.

Owaisi's divisiveness lost 17 seats where Muslims were running through other parties, he stuck his candidates and divided the Muslim vote. He is hell-bent on doing that again in Karnataka. He needs to be kicked out of Muslim politics.  If other parties are divisive, let them, let's us be builders of our Nation.

We simply cannot go wrong if we pursue policies for the well being of all Indians, even though we are suffering.

Related Article: Can a Muslim become Prime Minister of India?

Mike Ghouse

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