Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bush, the cave man

In this day and age, we still have primitive men who believe in invading and annihilating other nations. They sound like Brute men focussed on just one thing; what is in their gut rather than heed the civil societies. They do not listen to their advisers, do not care for the international norms and are driven by their revengeful guts just like the men in the caves who want to subdue the other.
That sounds like the story of our President. He did not care what the community of nations thought of us, he is an elected official but acted out unilaterally. Shamelessly the congresspersons and the senators did not have the guts to speak out. Most of them will be routed out by in November 2008.
To crown the feat, he has got media sychophants who praise him for roughing up others; the guys like Hannity, Limbaugh, O'Reiley and others.
If we spoke out against this behavior en-masse, it will be a deterrant to the future Bushes. If these Media sychophants can see beyond their caves and appreciate the men and women who spoke out to preserve our system, it will free them from their guilt of unabashedly supporting the cave men like Bush. They need to know that a democracy is saved by the people who dare to criticize and keep our government in line.
Here are some incredible stories from the world, where the leaders behave like cave men;

"QUITO, June 6 (Xinhua) -- The Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry announced Friday that President Rafael Correa had confirmed the willingness to immediately restore relations with Colombia at the charge d'affaires level.

Ecuador severed diplomatic ties with Colombia following the cross-border attack on a camp of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) by the Colombian Army on March 1.

Colombia accused Ecuador and Venezuela of harboring FARC rebels, saying its army seized some laptops during the attack that contained documents directly linking Correa and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez with the FARC. "

More examples will be added that equate Bush actions.
War Crimes by Bushcons

The Bushcons:

These men sell fear and itch to go to war every minutes.
Dick Cheney, Daniel Pipes, Richard Perle, Scooter Libby, Billy Crystal, Donald Rumsfield

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