Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Today's Journal - May 8, 2007

Today's Journal - May 8, 2007

  1. World Publics Reject US Role as the World Leader
  2. 6 men charged with plotting to attack soldiers at Fort Dix
  3. Darfur Revisited By Ramzy Baroud
  4. Bush Sabotaged Reconstruction In Iraq By Thomas Riggins
  5. Rebuilding Resistance in Beirut By Dahr Jamail
  6. Doctors Fail To Recognize By Evelyn Pringle
  7. The Hate Equation: Targeting Migrant Children
  8. Books: Jerusalem 1913
  9. September could be a deadly war in Iraq
  10. A Few Reminders - By Charley Reese
  11. AIPAC on Trial - By Justin Raimondo
  12. Iraq child mortality rate soars
  13. Condi Snoozed While Chevron Paid Off Saddam:
  14. Saudis, US sponsoring covert action against Iran
  15. War is Peace
  16. Civilian deaths 'deeply shame' US

World Publics Reject US Role as the World Leader:

Most publics say the United States plays the role of world policeman more than it should, fails to take their country's interests into account and cannot be trusted to act responsibly
6 men charged with plotting to attack soldiers at Fort Dix :

"What concerns us is, obviously, they began conducting surveillance and weapons training in the woods and were discussing killing large numbers of soldiers," said Justice Department spokesman Dean Boyd.

Darfur Revisited By Ramzy Baroud

The Darfur crisis in Sudan is perhaps the most politically convoluted conflict in the world today. Its underpinnings involve local, regional and international players, all selfishly vying for power and economic interests

How Bush Sabotaged Reconstruction In Iraq By Thomas Riggins

Bush still thinks he can impose his “mindset” on Iraq and the world. It is a narrow, fundamentalist, ignorant mindset. It is not the mindset of the majority of the American people. The Congress has the opportunity to send it packing. It should do so

Rebuilding Resistance By Dahr Jamail

As reconstruction resumes in the heavily bombed southern Beirut district Dahiyeh, the signs are evident of a rebuilding of resistance against Israel and the U.S.-backed government, largely by way of increased support for Hezbollah

Doctors Fail To Recognize By Evelyn Pringle

In addition to recent reports that the drugs work no better than sugar pills, the latest warnings added to the long list of adverse events linked to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants have focused on birth defects, suicide risks and violence

The Hate Equation: Targeting Migrant Children By Juan Santos

Brown children are expendable in Los Angeles, and migrants are the new scapegoats for a nation steeped in a deep tradition of white racism

Books: Jerusalem 1913

By News Service(News Service) Undertstanding how it got to at the center of the Israeli Palestinian conflict - from being a backwater in a Muslim empire - is crucial to understanding the controversy and the motivations for Palestinian claims. Jerusalem Before Israel ...Zionism & Israel News -

September Could Be Key Deadline in WarWashington Post - Washington,DC,USAAnother major test will come in the form of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which under Islam's lunar calendar will begin this year around Sept. 12. ...

A Few Reminders - By Charley Reese

A few reminders: Iraq is not our country. Our invasion and occupation are illegal, being in violation of both international law and our own traditions. We were lied into war. We are still being lied to. Both the Bush administration and the Democrats intend to maintain American troops in Iraq indefinitely.

AIPAC on Trial - By Justin Raimondo

The lobby argues that good Americans spy for Israel.

Iraq child mortality rate soars :

One in eight Iraqi children died of disease or violence before reaching their fifth birthday in 2005, according to the report by Save the Children, which said Iraq ranked last because it had made the least progress toward improving child survival rates.

Condi Snoozed While Chevron Paid Off Saddam:

Because she's a Russia scholar, Secretary Rice will be quite familiar with Lenin's term, "useful idiot."

Saudis, US sponsoring covert action against Iran :

The governments of Saudi Arabia and the United States are working with other states in the Middle East to sponsor covert action against Iran, according to a report in this month's edition of The Atlantic. The report also suggests that covert attacks may occur against Iran's oil sector.

'War is peace':

It is one thing to read George Orwell and Franz Kafka, it is quite another to live their texts. For us - Palestinians - Orwell and Kafka are not works of fiction but concrete reality.

Civilian deaths 'deeply shame' US :

An American commander in Afghanistan has said that he is "deeply ashamed" by the killings of 19 Afghan civilians by US Marines in early March.

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